"Sorry, I forgot to ask your name", Adelmo said "Oh my name is Sara, please tell me about her" she pleaded "One fine evening, my aunt was knitting and I was taking care of the pigs. I was careless and forgot to lock at the door. A piglet ran out of the cage. My aunt started screaming at me. I ran after it. One by one my friends joined me and we all ran after that piglet.we made sounds and the piglet was terrified it jumped into a field filled with mud and we after it".
One of my friends took up the mud and started throwing at the pig. Another followed. I was trying to catch the pig and didn't concentrate on them, We caught and tied up the pig. Suddenly I felt something hit my head, it was cold I looked back. I saw my friend Scottie with mud in his hand. He yelled "mud war" and we started throwing mud at each other. The game got interesting and we lost track of time. One of my friends threw mud at me, I dodged and the mud hit a car that was passing by through the road. 
"The driver stopped the car and came out. He looked at the mud stain in his car and started yelling at us. We were stunned and started looking at each other. The driver yelling echoed through the whole place. The driver called us useless and it got my friend George angry He threw mud at the car and everyone followed. The driver and the car got mud-stained in seconds, the driver got back in the car and started driving away. I noticed a spot that was not hit. I picked up a handful of mud aimed for the window and the......"
"Then what happened ...?" The girl asked
"The window glass came down, " Adelmo said 
"and I saw her..... The love of my life ..."
"Did she see you? Did you say anything? " Sara asked 
HE didn't say anything he is looking with an inclement smile...
"Then what happened?"
"Nothing" Adelmo replied ."The car drove away and I stood there, with mud in hand and eyes on that window.

A story by Mithun G Nath & Shinlay Shinas

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